A porttitor a a venenatis sapien viverra mi elit a suscipit ullamcorper placerat habitant eu luctus congue laoreet vestibulum parturient natoque id vestibulum nunc. Arcu scelerisque a consequat a luctus.
By RIchard J. Sima, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Class of 2019, IAM Lab Communications Specialist |
February 16, 2021
Video games offer a safe way to explore different worlds and meet up with friends – while providing many social, emotional, cognitive, and physical benefits to boot.
By Susan Han, Ph.D., Associate Director, Homewood Counseling Center, Nyasha Chikowore, M.S., Doctoral Intern, Homewood Counseling Center, Demere Woolway, Ph.D., Director of LGBTQ Life |
February 12, 2021
Answering your questions about mental health services and breaking down the process of seeing a counselor.
This course teaches you ways to protect your physical health and maintain your mental well-being with practical guidance about the COVID-19 virus and returning to campus.